Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Small Rant (Little warning. I don't think this post is suitable for all ages.)

OK I know I posted one last night, but I found something.... Weird. Why do you guys attack BEN with all the weird stuff?! D: So he's going to destroy you with feelz. >:3 Look into dem big eyes. Look at what you've done. What did you do? YOU FREAKING SHIPPED HIM WITH HIMSELF! What da heck peepz?!

I mean.... Jeff X BEN is one thing. But PM BEN X Chibi BEN? Datz nawt right. That's just..... Freaking why?! Freaking why?!?! I'm going to make stamps. Plenty of em. "Anti PM BEN X Chibi BEN" "Anti Jeff X Slender" "Anti Slender X TrenderMan" "Anti Jeff X Liu".... That's been done already. :I Oh well I'm doing it anyway. Any freaky stuff I hate. I freaking hate this freaking crud. D:< Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
We're getting fed up with this.

(Holy freaking crud. BEN has the best death stare ever.)
Anyways I'm going to keep this short. See y'all in the next post. Don't ask about the logic about him having regular tears. I don't know either.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua