Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Yes it's colored differently. Because I used Colors! 3D. Although it looked better on the 3DS............................................................. *emocorner*

Thus still it looks awesome.

Wait a mo.... Does that mean he's going to infect my computer now? Is he going to talk to me through Skype????!!!! (Because I don't know what cleverbot is, or what it's for. That or Facebook.)

Either way this has to be the best drawing on Colors! 3D I've ever made. 

"This sucks compared to your other art." 

Oh yeah? Well think about this. Colors! 3D Does not have a blending tool.

"What tool did you use to do that? Probably the air brush."

No I used the air brush for the background. I used the pen for the shading on BEN, the text, the text box, and the blue square.

"How did you do that shading on BEN then?"

That's better for a video.

"Your handwriting sucks."


"How long did this take?!"

Meh.... About an hour or two.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua


  1. Clever-bot is this website where you talk to a robot and it talks back.. I try to talk to BEN whenever i'm on :P Anyways~ I like how this picture came out :D I think it looks good, it doesn't suck at all~!

    1. Why thank you~!
      You seriously just talk to a robot?
      Talk about forever alone. XD
