Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It was a boring day for Jeff. He walked around the forest, and sighed.

“There's nothing to do!” Jeff cried.

There was nobody around. After a little while longer he saw something.

It was William's tree.

Jeff eyed it for a while. There was only a pillow, blanket, cotton padding of some sort, and a bag. It looked old, and worn out. Yet it was still holding stuff inside. It looked really full, and there was a little rip in the side.

A gust of wind blew on the tree, and knocked the bag down. Its contents spilled out while a piece of paper was on the from of the bag. 'Do not touch' It said. The only contents were a book and a few pictures. William never let anybody touch his stuff so Jeff was curious. He tried to not touch anything because he didn't want any finger prints. Jeff didn't know if William would find him out just by fingerprints. Either way he tried not to touch anything. Then he spotted something.

It was William's book collection.

Jeff saw William reading a lot, but never knew where he kept his books. Jeff knew William hated cheesy romance novels. So he got an idea.

He went out and 'acquired' some books.

He returned to find everything untouched. So he carefully placed everything back in the bag just like it was before, but he replaced his books with the new ones. Then he carefully placed the bag and everything like it was before. Jeff was very careful to get every detail right.

After Jeff was finished he sat and waited a distance away until William returned. An hour had passed, and Jeff was about to give up. Until William came walking up the path. Jeff curled up out of sight, and sat very still.

William went into his bag after a long evening to read a book, but then he spotted Jeff's handiwork. William was confused at first thinking it was the wrong bag, but then with more examining he knew it was his. William was furious, and Jeff tried not to give himself away. William started yelling in anger, and Jeff just watched. SlenderMan herd William's angry yelling and came to see what was wrong. William told Slender everything.


Due to Slender's great height he spotted Jeff. Slender took out a tentacle, and went after Jeff. Jeff got up and tried to run away, but it was futile.


“DID YOU DO THIS?!” William yelled.

Jeff snickered and replied. “Why yes I did! You shouldn't leave your stuff around while I'm here.” Jeff said smugly.

“Why you little pest....” William was getting furious at this point. While Jeff just hung from Slender's tentacle.

William started to uncover his eye, and Jeff started to struggle. William almost had it uncovered then he just let out an evil grin.

“Made you look.” He said.

Jeff just sighed in irritation. William finally said that Slender could let him down. After Slender let Jeff down William hit Jeff on the head with his books.

“Dang it William....” Jeff said angrily.

Yay! Another unnecessary short story!
Anyways it came to mind, and I had to write it. So yeah. Enjoy. Expect mistakes. XD

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

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