Monday, July 22, 2013

William Reference Sheet Redone

Geez I've been planning to do this for WEEKS! XD
Lazy lazy me!

I'm just gonna take the info from the last reference because not much has changed.

"The marks on his face and stuff those are important. Because.... Well I should start with what he does. See that pale blue glowing eye? That's what he uses. If you look into that eye it will cause horrible nightmares every night, and see hallucinations every day. Well it doesn't make you see random things. Every night you'll have nightmares right? Well there won't be avoiding it. The.... I'm going to call it the infection. The infection makes you see him in your room. He will only say "Sleep tight." And you black out. It sounds dumb yeah.... Oh well, I'm sure some people will like it. He's creepy. He's the villain who should be the hero? Or just leave him as some kind of legend. I think I'll stick to the legend. Because it's cooler! Back to those marks on his face. I put them there because he seemed boring without them, but they are part of what he does. When somebody is infected by him they get marks similar to his, but they're kind of like vines. They'll be shorter. Yeah, I think he's cool! I'm not sure of his origins.... I'll have to think about that. Bet it would make a good story!

Anyways onto his likes/dislikes, and personality.
Likes: Nighttime, reading, writing, people being scared of him, and Masked Artist.
Dislikes: Romantic or lighthearted novels (He likes darker or more creepy novels.), daytime (it's too loud and crowded).
His personality.... I'm going to say rather dull and mysterious. He doesn't know jokes when he hears them. So if you say to him "Cat got your tongue?" He'll take it literally and say there are no cats around that area. He can be caring to his few friends, and be very defensive. He's not easy to make smile. So when you do it's quite an accomplishment! XD You also DO NOT want to catch him in a bad mood."

Although I guess I should say who he like/dislikes.

Masked Artist: They are in a relationship.

SlenderMan: They're pretty good friends. Slender took him in shortly after he got his powers. (Of course this is not like the cannon story. You know how people have those little worlds where the characters live?)

Jeff: They are kind of friends, but Jeff bothers William a lot. They don't totally hate each other, but they aren't best friends either.

SplendorMan: William doesn't like him because he's constantly trying to hug him and stuff.

TrenderMan: William gets annoyed with him because he keeps nagging him to change his style once in a while.

Lost Silver: They're very good friends. They like to hang out, and talk about stuff. Things like that blah blah blah. (DON'T SHIP THEM!)

Lily Doll: Her crazy personality, and her obsession of tests.... William avoids her a lot.

If I've forgotten anybody else tell me! I'll get to work on that! :D

Masked Artist (C) StrawberryKittySwirl on DeviantART

Lily Doll (C) Yoshiblue25 on DeviantART

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

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