Sunday, July 21, 2013


We had a ton of rain this morning so I thought of drawing this.
For some reason I like drawing CreepyPastas in cute, or funny situations. I kinda enjoy both parts of the fandom. By that I mean the humorous and cute side, and the creepy side. Not the fangirl, sex, and yaoi side. Bleh. |:I

Anyways that's me with my umbrella enjoying the rain, while BEN is just trying to get out of the rain ASAP. Chibis for the win! <3 Also my outfit is a little odd because that's what I wore this morning. I like knee-high socks. I have a few of them, and they're my favorites. I got a couple pairs of MLP ones at Hot Topic last weekend too. (Rainbow Dash, and Derpy) Anyways here's the drawing, sorry for the cruddy background.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

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