Tuesday, July 2, 2013

William Bacterial Contamination

Yikes.... That's a bit creepy.
Nobody said vent art would be pretty. :I Yeah.... I love this song, but I'm kinda venting with this picture as well.

I've just been miserable lately. Don't ask way I just am. I'm just get stressed really really easily. :I Anyways here ya go! I like how this turned out. :)
Honestly drawing has been hard for me lately because I can't get many ideas. So I may go on a hiatus sometime soon.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

 ~ Aqua


I forgot the light coming form his eye. LOL


  1. I understand how you feel with stress. Anyways, This picture looks soo cool :D:D And creeepy!! I love it <3
    Btw, i'm planning on doing a Livestream soon since its been so long :D
