Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fan-Fic PART 1

Sophie walked to work one cloudy morning. It was rather humid out so she was sweating a bit.
“Geez it's humid today. I can't wait to get to work. That's surprising.... Somebody exited to get to work.”
She chuckled and continued her trek. About a couple blocks before she arrived she herd an odd noise....

It was somebody slipping in the alley. (Oh you thought it was the TARDIS did you? LOL Patience peepz. I gotta lay a better foundation for the crossover.) She couldn't help herself. Just just wanted a peek.... When she peeped around the corner the person had their back turned to her. He was wearing black clothes. It was a black hoodie, black jeans, and black dress shoes. He was just getting up, and was very frustrated with himself. He grumbled and when he finally got up he stumbled again. He seemed to have hurt himself. When he turned and sat against the wall. He seemed to have injured his knee. It was very minor though.
When Sophie saw him she clung close to the wall. He was wearing a mask and had some surgical tools. (Still trying to guess who it is?) He looked up and saw Sophie. Sophie ran away faster than she ever ran.
When she got to work she was covered in sweat and a bit of dirt. When her boss saw her he was confused, and a little upset.
“Sophia? What happened? You know this is a important job, and we expect you to be in your best.” He said.
“I'm sorry sir. I was in a major hurry. I'll go wash up.” She said.
(Sophia is her full name. Sophie is her nickname. Wasn't a typo. :3)
Sophie walked down the hall until she saw something around the corner next to where her office was. It was the same black jacket that dude was wearing. She tried to look away from him and move along to think of what she would do next, but he already saw her. And was starting to walk to her. She ran as fast as she could.
When he finally lost her she went into the restroom. She went into a stall and started to ponder the recent events. 'Who the HECK was that guy?! He's a stalker! Of course I was the one who stalked him first, but come ON! He followed me to my work! Wait.... How did he even get in?!' She thought and thought until the clock finally caught her eye. She had to get back and start the day's work. She cleaned her clothes and combed her hair until she looked presentable.
When she walked out the door the masked man was waiting for her.

“Hello miss. Why don't you look lovely today. Why were you watching me?”

Found on DeviantART
Oh HECK YEAH! Gonna give you cliff hangers. XD
Yes I'm evil I know. :3 But here's part one!!!!!!!

Anyways if you're still trying to guess who the masked guy was it was Eyeless Jack. CeepyPasta. So yeah. I thought this would be some kind of daily or every other day kind of thing. I think of this crud from the top of my head soooooooooooooooooooo yeah. I don't think that's very good writing is it? Hey I'm kind of new at this. I'll improve at my own pace. Just bear with me. :3 Anyways thanks for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Part two might be out tomorrow. Until then I bid you adieu!

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua