Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fan-Fic PART 1

Sophie walked to work one cloudy morning. It was rather humid out so she was sweating a bit.
“Geez it's humid today. I can't wait to get to work. That's surprising.... Somebody exited to get to work.”
She chuckled and continued her trek. About a couple blocks before she arrived she herd an odd noise....

It was somebody slipping in the alley. (Oh you thought it was the TARDIS did you? LOL Patience peepz. I gotta lay a better foundation for the crossover.) She couldn't help herself. Just just wanted a peek.... When she peeped around the corner the person had their back turned to her. He was wearing black clothes. It was a black hoodie, black jeans, and black dress shoes. He was just getting up, and was very frustrated with himself. He grumbled and when he finally got up he stumbled again. He seemed to have hurt himself. When he turned and sat against the wall. He seemed to have injured his knee. It was very minor though.
When Sophie saw him she clung close to the wall. He was wearing a mask and had some surgical tools. (Still trying to guess who it is?) He looked up and saw Sophie. Sophie ran away faster than she ever ran.
When she got to work she was covered in sweat and a bit of dirt. When her boss saw her he was confused, and a little upset.
“Sophia? What happened? You know this is a important job, and we expect you to be in your best.” He said.
“I'm sorry sir. I was in a major hurry. I'll go wash up.” She said.
(Sophia is her full name. Sophie is her nickname. Wasn't a typo. :3)
Sophie walked down the hall until she saw something around the corner next to where her office was. It was the same black jacket that dude was wearing. She tried to look away from him and move along to think of what she would do next, but he already saw her. And was starting to walk to her. She ran as fast as she could.
When he finally lost her she went into the restroom. She went into a stall and started to ponder the recent events. 'Who the HECK was that guy?! He's a stalker! Of course I was the one who stalked him first, but come ON! He followed me to my work! Wait.... How did he even get in?!' She thought and thought until the clock finally caught her eye. She had to get back and start the day's work. She cleaned her clothes and combed her hair until she looked presentable.
When she walked out the door the masked man was waiting for her.

“Hello miss. Why don't you look lovely today. Why were you watching me?”

Found on DeviantART
Oh HECK YEAH! Gonna give you cliff hangers. XD
Yes I'm evil I know. :3 But here's part one!!!!!!!

Anyways if you're still trying to guess who the masked guy was it was Eyeless Jack. CeepyPasta. So yeah. I thought this would be some kind of daily or every other day kind of thing. I think of this crud from the top of my head soooooooooooooooooooo yeah. I don't think that's very good writing is it? Hey I'm kind of new at this. I'll improve at my own pace. Just bear with me. :3 Anyways thanks for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Part two might be out tomorrow. Until then I bid you adieu!

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

I want to make a comic series.

I know I already had one about my family, but I don't know.... I have to be pretty motivated for that kind of thing. I want to make a fan series. I guess you could just say it'll be a fan fiction. =__=

Anyways I'm thinking CreepyPasta, but Doctor Who would be interesting too.
The downside is that I'm only motivated for these things for a while. When people get involved, or a day or so passes I'm not motivated anymore. So we'll just have to see.
I would like to know what you guys want though and maybe sometime I can make it happen! :D


I think I'll make it a crossover. I think some people may not like it, but either way people would've been unhappy, and hate it. I've had hate before, and criticism as well. (The criticism was constructive so  it's all good!) I think I'll write it first then make it into a comic if I feel like it. :D I'll post part one sometime if ideas flow good. If not then it'll be cancelled. We'll just have to see how it plays out.

RUN WILLIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah..... I was looking at Soul Eater stuffs today and thought of something. "We'd all be in trouble if Stien and Jack teamed up." So I drew it.

Jeff you're next bro. RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!! DX
I thought I'd be posting more this weekend, but I forgot my notebook and stuffs. When I got them back I didn't wanna post anything so bleh. :I

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Friday, June 28, 2013

Me and SlenderMane/SlenderPony

Yeah I had to rush.
It didn't come out as well as well probably anybody had hoped because I GOT FREAKING SIDETRACKED WITH ANOTHER DRAWING! XD

Anyways I had to rush because I'm going swimming with the family and some friends in an hour, and after I get home I have to get ready and leave for the weekend. :I I didn't want to leave this until Monday so I had to rush. Honestly I had a bit more time than I thought I did. When I want to go fast I can go pretty fast. So since I have spare time I'm going to make a SUPER LONG DESCRIPTION! MUHAHAHAHAHA! XD Anyways I won't be able to do computer art over the weekend, but I'll make plenty of little sketches and comic strips. That's the awesome part because I think my comic strips are pretty good. :3 I also get to go to more livestreams because people usually make them at night. Come on people. XD *Deathstare* 
Haha, I'm going swimming and I used a BEN icon.
Sure timezones have something to do with it. For example if I want to go to one of GingaAkam's livestreams she usually makes them in the evening (her time.) while it's like 3:00 or 4:00 A.M. (My time.) Since it's a weekend I don't have to give a crud how long I stay up. XD I also have Colors! 3D on my 3DS. It's not as good as PaintToolSAI, but it's usable. :I Seriously though. Every awesome livestream takes place at night for me. XD Such as Kiki's I've only been to one of her's so I don't know if she does other times. I'm hoping to start doing livestreams too because watching me draw will be AN EPIC THRILL RIDE OF FREAKING EPICNESS! LOL Newp. I don't do many speedpaints because it's a freaking pain. My screen recorder only does 15 minutes at a time then I have to save. It's a pain because it takes like.... 10 to 20 minutes to save. I can't find any other recorders. So yeah. It takes me about.... 1 to 3 hours to make a drawing like this. Even though my screen recorder says I've only recorded like 30 minutes. That doesn't count sketching, and outline. Which takes a while. So yeah. (Geez I say that a lot!) Anyways I better get ready to go. Also if you want to chat with me some time I'll be back on tonight. It's awesome there check it out sometime.

I also saw Monster's University yesterday. (I meant to say in something I posted yesterday, but I freaking forgot. XD) I was skeptical about it, but they pulled it off! I mean I had to be skeptical it was part of my childhood. Soo yeah.

OK I better get ready. XD See ya guys in the next post.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua


"Flow along, little glass bottle
With a message containing a wish.
On the other side of the horizon,
There, it quietly disappears."

~ Song: Regret Message by VOCALOID

The ocean doesn't even look like an ocean does it? XD
Water is very very hard to draw.
Hehe got that off DeviantART. I don't know who made it.  -->
Yes I got sidetracked from the other drawing I was working on, but hey. I couldn't help myself. :I

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Work In Progress

Sadly I would finish this, but I must be getting some sleep. |:I

SlenderMane heck yeah.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Here Have a Jeff

Run it's Jeff!
This came out pretty good if I had to say. I tried adding more detail so yeah. I don't think I give myself enough credit for clothing wrinkles. Sure I looked in my drawing book, but hey. That's what they're for. That's how peepz get better. (I'm not calling you guys marshmallow birds. I'm say peepz for short. PEOPle. Get what I'm saying? :D)

A drawing instead of a rant. Yay. (Oh my gosh people say "yay" so much. Why does my computer count that as wrong spelling?! It's weird.)

Anyways here's your Jeff. Why Jeff? Because I felt like it. :3 He's actually not that hard to draw for me. No matter how I draw him. (I mean that chibi, or his scar closed. Not realistic.) When I first got into drawing Jeff I made a few flipnotes of him. I didn't draw his eyes like this. I drew them like circles. Pretty much like his real picture. Then I decided to draw them a more anime shape.
So many wrinkles on his clothes. They look like actual clothes. LOL Also the shoes look good too, and his hands. This drawing came out really really good. :D I wish I could use it somewhere. LOL
Has anybody noticed that they draw themselves or friends playing video games with Jeff? (Including myself) It's too much fun to resist really. I want to do a detailed one sometime soon. Maybe bring my friends into it too. Play some Mario Party, or Rhythm Heaven.
Anyways I was a little shocked what I saw a Target today. A freaking Halo DVD. FREAKING. HALO. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< *Tableflip*
I think I've even seen a lego set of it too. This is going too far. Do some freaking..... Doctor Who or something. I also saw something at Target that reminded me of Kagekao. It was a picture and it said "Pass the time with a glass of wine.". I saw it and thought of him right away. LOL I might draw him holding that picture and saying, "This is going in my house". (Actually after I'm done writing this I might get to work on that. LOL) I might make him say that in Japanese, but my Japanese handwriting sucks, and I only have Google translator. Pfft LOL. OK this is getting waaay off topic and going for waaaay too long. XD

Kagekao belongs to GingaAkam on DaviantART.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sally Colored

**WARNING** Post may not be suitable for all ages.
I decided to color that picture of Sally, and I put a few cuts on her. So if that doesn't bother you then scroll down. :) If I had to rate it myself I'd say...... 11+ to 12+

I'm trying with the hair, and I added dirt in it. So yeah. I didn't redo the outline or anything. :I Anyways here ya go. Man the shine on her hair was freakin difficult.

Sally belongs to Kiki~!

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Another Small Rant (Little warning. I don't think this post is suitable for all ages.)

OK I know I posted one last night, but I found something.... Weird. Why do you guys attack BEN with all the weird stuff?! D: So he's going to destroy you with feelz. >:3 Look into dem big eyes. Look at what you've done. What did you do? YOU FREAKING SHIPPED HIM WITH HIMSELF! What da heck peepz?!

I mean.... Jeff X BEN is one thing. But PM BEN X Chibi BEN? Datz nawt right. That's just..... Freaking why?! Freaking why?!?! I'm going to make stamps. Plenty of em. "Anti PM BEN X Chibi BEN" "Anti Jeff X Slender" "Anti Slender X TrenderMan" "Anti Jeff X Liu".... That's been done already. :I Oh well I'm doing it anyway. Any freaky stuff I hate. I freaking hate this freaking crud. D:< Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
We're getting fed up with this.

(Holy freaking crud. BEN has the best death stare ever.)
Anyways I'm going to keep this short. See y'all in the next post. Don't ask about the logic about him having regular tears. I don't know either.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Can't Have Nice Things........

This is a freaking rant. I FREAKING NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST! (**WARNING** Some may be offended by this rant. You have been warned.)
Alright. I'm fed up with this. Any fandom I go to has all kinds of freaky stuff. Any. Freaking. Fandom. Luckily the bright spots are the people who poke fun at freaky stuff. Hehe, I just love it. *cough cough cough cough* Anyways there's more than well that. (Sorry if I offended anybody..... *Hugz*) It's freaky pairings. |:I FANZ WAT R U DOIN?!?!??!?!??!? FANZ!!!!!!!!!!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IGUYDFHLKSNRYISERJKNYHIDURYHI. (Yes I'm very disturbed by this and it's getting late at night so prepare for a few spazzes. lol) I dun leik freakeh pairinz. |:I Mostly Slender pairings are creepy. Because for some reason in that part of the Pasta fandom there's freaky pairings. Can't we get a freaking decent pairing please?! You know what? That's not possible. Why don't we just stop pairing Slender all together? Don't get me started on BEN. (Poor little guy.... In my interpretation he's only like.... Freaking 8 years old. But people make him out to be this immature adult. If you know what I mean by that. You probably don't so you'll have to ask somewhere else. This is a family friendly site.)
BEN: "People are so mean! D'X" Me: "I know bro.... I know. *Hugz*"
It's freaking ridiculous. If you're going to bring it here. I'm gonna be freaking ticked off. And if you're going to troll then.... *DeathStare* Just please.... This is freaking me out, and it really irritates me. "Well why don't you get off those sites, and leave us alone?" Because where you post all that stuff is supposed to be sites for everyone. You should be able to post your stuff yes, but sometimes you troll people. That's freaking immature. I know I can't stop it, but there must be some way for us freaky pairers, and people who freaking hate it to co-exist. Anyways if you took the time to read this thank you. If you read and were offended.... That's not my fault there's a warning right up there. People have opinions, and feelings for things they just can't hold in. So yeah. I'm sure there's something that irks you like this too. Maybe it's something I like. So yeah. This is going on for too long. Here's the drawing, might make more tonight. Thank you. Bye.

Yes William.... You're freaking next. *Hugz* I'm sorry bro!!!!!! D'X

Here's what us unfortunate souls are saying.

William: I'm next aren't I?!

Jeff: *Threw computer at the wall then threw a knife into it* (LOL)

The Doctor: I don't want to come to this planet anymore.

Me: Whyyyyyy~

BEN: Can I die again? Freaking kill me now!

If you guys do this stuff to my OC I will be freaking furious. He's not that kind of guy. Plus he's already paired up and it's cannon. So yeah. Pair him with your OC if you want, but if start making jokes about him cheating on Masked Artist, or stuff like that I'm going to freaking revoke that. Thank you. (Sorry guys I'm in a bad mood. I'm easily stressed so yeah.)

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Sally Sketch

Maybe this is why Jeff can't have nice things.
Sally pulls off dem big ol eyes.
LOL Anyways, I wouldn't say this is much of a sketch, or a drawing either. It's just.... That. Anyways somebody at the livestream I went to said I need to pay more attention to light direction. So I did. It's not perfect, but it's good.

Sally is clinging to SlenderMan. She can do that read this if you don't believe me.

Sally belongs to Kiki on DeviantART

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

William Sketch

Night owl time.
Oh my gosh! I was at livestream, and I wanted to imitate the shading technique and then this came up. Sadly I couldn't, but then this hair coloring technique came up. HECK YES! It looks so good! I might sketch like this more often. You never know.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Monday, June 24, 2013

SlenderMan and Surprised Patrick

It kinda sucks though, but it works.

I freaking wish I could use these somewhere, but Skype doesn't support GIFs. (Dang Skype why did you merge with messenger you freaking jerk. >:I)
Anyways do what you want with this, but give me credit. (Or I'll send Slendy after you.)

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.]

~ Aqua

Splendy Deal With It GIF

Next I'm going to do surprised Patrick with SlenderMan. It'll be hilarious.

This was a bit hard to put together at first, but I pulled it off. This is freaking awesome. I'm gonna make more of these. I might not make one of William, just because it doesn't fit his personality at all. I guess personality doesn't matter. I might make it sometime soon.
I want somebody to make a plz account of this on DeviantART. Please? Give me credit though.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Sunday, June 23, 2013

William and Tails Doll

Oh yes. I'm a Tails Doll fan now.
His stories are creepy and cool! (At least on Tails from the Crypt they are.)

Though I don't mind you pairing your OC with William or other characters I can't go boy X William for obvious reasons. Hey I don't think it's often that artists give you permission (or tolerance) to pair your OC with a their character that's already been cannon shipped. :I Don't abuse it or make jokes about him cheating   on Masked Artist. That's where I'm crossing the line. Take it all in, and heed my words. :I (Basically this picture isn't a pairing so don't ship them. I said William and Tails Doll, NOT William X Tails Doll.) I'm sure some people aren't going to listen, but at least I've put up the boundaries. Oh well. :I

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Saturday, June 22, 2013

So Many OC's and IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

This is me and my friends' OC's. :)
LOL My OC is the only boy in the group.
OK so here are the names and owners~!
Left to Right.
LilyDoll belongs to my friend LilyDoll.
Masked Artist belongs to StrawberryKittySwirl
William belongs to me.
All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.
~ Aqua

William X Masked Artist stamp!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I just need to find a way to put up like DA users. XD
Anyways feel free to use! No asking required just credit me! X3

I made sure the creator of the stamp base didn't say it couldn't be used outside of DeviantART. For some reason GIMP wouldn't paste it with the pretty edges..... D: Oh well.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and sounds belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua


Gosh dang... I spelled support wrong. If some people have it on their DeviantART already please take it off. XD It's embarrassing.


All fixed now~! Go and do what you want with it. XD

Friday, June 21, 2013

I Support BEN X Sally!

Tee hee~!
Yep I support BEN X Sally! They have more in common with each other. :3 Besides they're age groups are very similar. :)

The sizes are a bit off, and the hands suck. :I Either way I bet this is my first drawing of Sally. :) They're supposed to be in a sitting position, and I did a gradient background like the creator of Sally does sometimes. :D It's dark pink and dark green if you look closely. :D This took waaaaaaaaaaaay longer than I anticipated, but it came out decent in the end. :)

Sally belongs to Kiki!

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Question 1

Yay~! Question 1!
I'm guessing this took place when William was around.... 12 here. I guess I can write this story. This takes place shortly after his sister died.

I can't really think of anything else to say about this, but I can say that I MAY write the story of how William met SlenderMan. That'd be interesting.

Asked by StrawberryKittySwirl. (I know the username is different, but that's her blog.)

Please ask questions here.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Sir Pebbles the Third

Yay~! It's A CAT!!!!!!!
This came out better than I thought it would. I never really draw animal except for ponies. I don't draw them too often either. :I

Anyways I asked Ginga in her livestream if she wanted me to draw anything because I didn't have any ideas. So she asked me to draw this cat she made for her OC Zippers. If I'm correct that's what she wanted me to draw. LOL Anyways here ya go!

Sir Pebbles, and Zippers belong to GingaAkam on DeviantART.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Q & A

Ask me and William questions!

Ask in the comments, and keep them clean! X3
(Picture coming soon)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


This took forever! Sure the outline doesn't belong to my, but it still took forever! XD

Slendy has pink slippers. :3 I thought since Jeff had socks on, and his pants were so baggy I decided to color them like pajama pants. I like to hang around my house in pajamas, do it almost every day! They're so comfy. =v= Anyways it was a bit of a challenge to color because the picture was a PNG file not a photoshop or SAI file. So at first I was going to lower the opacity that way the lineart doesn't get messed up.   Then I tried changing the layer type, and that worked really good! It had complications here and there, but it worked! Eek! Sorry I had to edit the picture just a little bit! I just took off the rage marks around Slender's head because I didn't think I could get it to work properly. (Also I had to censor Sally a bit. Sorry about that. This is supposed to be a family friendly site.) When I saw the creator of the lineart give permission to color pictures I had to do this. XD
For some reason I'm in the mood of coloring things cartoony. What do you guys think? Should I go back to my original way?

Lineart and Sally belong to Kiki! X3

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Family Adventures 1

I guess I finally have a comic series. It's of me and my family! Going through our daily lives. I'm going to be drawing what amuses me the most. Because we all love making jokes and such.

My family consists of me, my four siblings, my parents, and my grandmother.
What's happening in this comic is what happened at the dinner table. XD

Here's what we're saying.

Panel 1

Me: If they're gonna make a kid's Master Chef, why not make a kid's Total Blackout, or a kid's Exit?

Panel 2

Me: I'd be all like "Sign me up!"

Panel 3

Me: "Shut up,"

Panel 4


Panel 5

My older brother: *Sitting in his seat*

Panel 6

My older brother: *Moves over a seat away form me*

Yeah my mom said she read online that they're gonna make a kid's Master Chef. I was kinda disappointed because I'd rather go on Total Blackout, or Exit. So when I ranted a bit my older brother scooted away from me like I had some disease or something. He was joking of course, but it was hilarious.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

100TH POST~!

This picture took a while! Worth it though huh?

Anyways, 100 is a lot of posts! X3
And then over 1000 views! X3
I'm on my way~!

I'm sure you're wondering who all these awesome peepz are huh? (I thought I'd draw a bunch of things that I've posted!)

Left to right, top to bottom~!


The Doctor

William (My OC)


Death the Kid

(I'm sure you're thinking I included him as part of the "Ender" family. I didn't. :3 I did to represent Minecraft! X3)



I know what we're all thinking....
Chibi SplendorMan is ADORABLE!!!!!!! XD
I thought I'd cartoony shade everything this time. I like doing that. :3
I like drawing pictures with a bunch of characters with a bunch of mayhem going down. XD It's fun~! I wanted to include Link in here.... But sadly I couldn't think of anything for him to do. It'd just seem out of place for him to just be standing there doing nothing. :I

I bet what Kid is saying is too small to read huh? :3
He's saying
"This place has no symmetry...."
I also imagine you think Trender is drawing like how I draw.
No he's designing an outfit! (He's obsessed with fashion! XD)

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Monday, June 17, 2013

Animation #1

Yeah. I didn't know I would either.
Seems I'm getting back into using Flipnote Studio even though..... **sniff** Hatena closed! D'X
Anyways the audio is form Doctor Who behind the scenes. If I'm correct.... It's season 3. You can look it up on Youtube. (You'll find it I promise. It's even a MMD meme.) So here ya go a little 5 second animation. XD
I actually made a comic strip of this, but when I stumbled upon it on Youtube I had to do this!

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Oh my gosh! This is my 99th post! :O
I have something special in mind for the 100th post! :D
Stay tuned.

**EDIT 2**
Ack! Sorry guys.....
I was trying yesterday to get the project done so something like this wouldn't happen.
I'm losing motivation. LUCKILY!
I have another project in mind. It's a picture, but it'll be full of chibis!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Even SplendorMan as chibi right now he looks ADORABLE!!!!!!)
I hope it'll be out tonight.

Spinning the Wheel

Yes I know this is a Pewdiepie joke, but with me around I can change it up.
So StrawberryKittySwirl had it as a status thingy. (You know what you see on Skype and Yahoo Messenger.) I told her to spin the wheel, and then we started acting crazy. Now it's become one of our favorite inside jokes. (That and frying pans, but that's another story.) I'm going to post them in a different order than I made them. Instead I'm going to post them in the order that happened. Honestly I'm surprised with how the pictures came out. I didn't have any special lights or anything, and I used my DSi. I think they turned out really good for a DSi.

If you can't read it here ya go! X3

Comic 1:

Panel 1

Strawberry: Did you get the Laudnum, and the sanity potion?

Me: A what?

Panel 2

Strawberry: Laudanum is so if we're dying we can heal. Sanity potion is so we don't go insane.

Panel 3

Me: Pfft!

Panel 4

Me: I have red and green potions!

Panel 5

Me: Now we can be magical!

Strawberry: Yay~!

Panel 5

Me: !

Panel 6


Panel 7

Strawberry: I don't know.


Comic 2:

Panel 1

Me: Oh wait, that's not Gannon's castle is it?

Strawberry: Maybe it's Brennenburg? (Sorry if it's spelled wrong. XD)

Panel 2


Panel 3

Me: If I knew what the was! (I actually knew what that castle was. But since I don't play it I thought it would be funny if I didn't know what it was.)

Comic 3: (The longest so be prepared)

Panel 1

Me: What do we do now?

Strawberry: I dunno! We are lost now!

Panel 2

Me: Oh look a barrel.

Strawberry: *Backs away slowly*

Me: Why are you backing away?

Strawberry: They are evil!

Me: It's just a barrel!

Panel 3


Panel 4

Strawberry: I don't trust it.

Panel 5

Me: *Touches it*

Strawberry: Don't touch it! That's a baaaaaad idea!

Me: *Touches it again*

Strawberry: NO STOP!

Panel 6

Me: *Pushes it to Strawberry* *Troll mode activate*

Panel 7


Panel 8

You're mean! Why are you doing this?

Me: It's just a barrel. Donkey Kong likes them! (I'm not a huge fan of Donkey Kong or his games, but there are tons of barrels in those games. :I)

Panel 9

Strawberry: Eww! There's a spider behind you!

Panel 10

Me: Seriously? Is it tiny, or like Minecraft?

WHEW! That was a lot to type! :I
Anyways, I might make more comics of these little role plays me and Strawberry do!

Here's her DeviantART

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Sunday, June 16, 2013

5 Ways to use a broom

I'm bored.
I think you can tell now I'M VERY BORED!!!!!!!!!!
Right now I'm just watching Tobuscus Vlogs..........

I think because I'm bored I'm going to see if you can read what's on the paper. Or I'm just lazy. :I Either way I'm bored. I don't have much to say. Sooooo not many of these are funny. Or none of them. I'm not good at comedy in this area. :I In fact I'm not very good at comedy at all.
I got inspiration for this because I saw a broom on the floor.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Jeff.... It's just a burrito.

Jeff I don't like burritos. DEAL WITH IT! D:
Seriously I don't like burritos, it's the tortilla. I just don't like them even though I think quesadillas are OK. Maybe it's because the tortilla is crispy. :I It's funny how I got the inspiration for this. I saw somebody make a Parry Gripp music video of Jeff, and I wanted to do something like that. Instead I got this comic strip idea. based off the song "This is the best burrito I've ever eaten!". Yeah that's where I got the inspiration. Not the joke that Jeff is Mexican. I don't know where that came from. I think my friend told me it came from a fan comic of some sort. When I first found that joke.... XD Oh my gosh. A really weird picture of Jeff with a sombrero, shaking maracas, and burning down Taco Bell. Then I came accross another weird picture of Jeff as Rick Astley. Oh geez I need to stop putting these pictures in you guy's heads. (Even though I already did) If you want the link to the pictures ask me.

In case you can't read what they're saying, here.

First Panel

Jeff: Eating a burrito

Me: Eating a taco (Because I like tacos :3)

Second Panel

Jeff: This is the best burrito I've ever eaten!

Me: Good for you.

Jeff: Try some!

Me: No thanks.

Jeff: Come on!

Me: No.

Jeff: Fine then.

Third Panel

Jeff: I'll shove it down your throat!

Me: Uh.... Jeff?! I think the heat's gone to your head!

I said that because Jeff is still wearing that jacket while it's like 100 degrees Fahrenheit  outside. :I This is why I hate summer.
Anyways there's somebody online that drew SplendorMan as a baby.... I'm all like "HNNNNNGGGGHHHH HNNNNGGGGGHHH HNNNNNNGHGGHHGHGHGHGH[CTFWREITGWVEPDJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" No matter how many times I see I'll Hnngghh!!!!! X3 I don't think I could pull it off as good as that person. If you want links ask me for them. If you want me to try and draw Splendor or any of the Slender bros as little kids/infants I can try. But don't expect perfection. (By Slender bros I mean Slender, Splendor, and Trender. I'm not doing you know who. T_T So don't even try to ask. He IS NOT welcome here! I know you know who I'm thinking of! (Vಠ_ಠ)> If you don't know.... Don't ask, you don't want to know.)

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

OC Hunting! X3

Hey guys!
I'm looking for OC's to put in a MUSIC VIDEO!
I'm looking for a certain kind of OC so I won't be taking all of them.
It has to be one of Slender's proxies. :I Because I think it would fit the song I'm using.
Anyways I don't know if the music video will be finished. It won't be very animated to save motivation. I'm going to try to use the entire song so I'm not looking for a certain number of OC's. I'd like a bunch. Not too many though. :I
You will get FULL CREDIT.
I'd be using my OC's for this, but sadly I don't think I have the creativity to make a proxy OC. I'd like to, but I can't. Maybe I'll be able to make one before I begin. Oh well, we won't know until I begin.
There's no deadline so if you want to make an OC that's fine too. I just want it to be creative, and different. (Of course Masky and Hoody are going to be in this. So that's two already.)
Anyways thanks for reading! -^v^-

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

1000+ PAGE VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D Early this morning I hit 1000+ page views! Sadly I couldn't make a post then.
Oh well! Who cares! I still hit over 1000+ page views! :D Thanks guys! I know that may not be too much, but it just means I'm on my way to being more popular! X3

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Me and Jeff play Mario Party

I made the words pretty small. So if you can't read it here.

Panel One

TV: Balloon Burst

Me: Alright! I like this one!

Jeff: I still don't understand how you have over 100 coins.

Panel Two

Jeff: I'm gonna beat you this time!

Me: That's what you said the past 8 turns!

Panel Four:

TV: Peach Wins! (Because I always play as Princess Peach.)

Me: ....

Jeff: *Table flip* GOSH DANG IT!

When I was drawing panel three, our little rivalry there reminded me of Yuki and Kyo from Fruits Basket. LOL

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua

How William Lost His Parents. (A peek in William's past)

It was a normal night for little William. He was cuddled in bed with his favorite stuffed dog. William was only 8 years old. His mother was reading him a story before he went to sleep. Before the story was finished his sister Katia peeked in and said her goodnights. “G ‘Night kiddo!” She said cheerfully. “Night Katia!” Will replied.
His mother finished the story, and kissed his head. “Good night William.” His mother said quietly. “Mom! How many times have I told you to call me Will!” Will said, “Good night mom!”
His mother chuckled, “Good night ‘Will’” His mother said. She turned off the light and closed the door.
Will tossed around in his bed until he could find a comfortable position. After he found a comfortable position he closed his eyes, and went to sleep.
Hours later Will herd a big POP! He went outside his room to see his house burning. He smelled smoke everywhere, and screamed for his parents. “MOMMY!!!! DADDY!!!!!” He couldn’t hear a reply when his sister came. “Will! We need to get out of here!” Katia lifted him off the floor and started rushing down the stairs. “What about mommy and daddy?” Will said worried. Katia said nothing, but had a pained look on her face. “Katia where’s mommy?!” “Will…. There’s nothing we can do!” Will looked at her hands. They were burned very badly, like she tried to move something burning.
Katia kicked down the front door, and they saw ambulances and fire trucks coming to their house. When they got to their house Will and Katia were surrounded by people putting them into beds. They were separated for the drive, but luckily Katia got them to make them share a room. Katia had something to say to Will.
After all the doctors treated burns and stuff. Katia had to talk to Will.
Katia was about to cry, but she held back her tears for a few minutes. “Will…. About mom and dad. I saw you looking at my burned hands. They’re burned because a ton of burning wood fell on mommy and daddy’s door before they could get out. Unless they climbed out the windows or something…. There’s no chance they survived.”
Will had to ponder this for a moment. What did ‘survive’ mean?
Katia gave Will a caring look. Then she continued. “Survive means to live. They probably didn’t survive. I’m so sorry Will!”
Katia started to cry, and then Will started to cry too. The two young children all alone cried in their hospital room. After a while a doctor came in with sad eyes.
“There were two other people in your house correct? Well…. They found two bodies in the building. I’m so sorry. If there’s anything we can do. Suppose a phone call? We’ll get to it right away.”
Katia just told them to give her and her brother a few minutes. Then they continued to cry, and share fond memories about when their parents were alive.
“I’m really going to miss them.” Will said.
“Me too. Remember when mom would call you William all the time even though you wanted to be called Will?” Katia said and chuckled.
“Yeah…. I want you to call me William now. Just like mommy did.” Will- no…. William said.
Katia gave another chuckle and said, “Alright. Come here.” She opened her arms ready to give William another hug. Will lunged himself into her arms and started to cry again.
They were in the hospital for a couple weeks, and when they were released they stayed at their grandparent’s house. They were very nice, and took good care of them. After a couple days some people came to the door and asked if Katia and William wanted to go through the remains of their house to see if they could find any belongings.
When they got to the house it was tragic. It still kept its shape, but it was all black and burned. They looked through for a few minutes. Katia found a couple of her books and photos, and William found his stuffed dog. Then they went to their parent’s room.
Katia found some of her mother’s jewelry, and then William found a cloth. He knew right away it was his mother’s. She always put it on her favorite dress. Katia came over to William and gave William a watch. It was his father’s watch.
“I think you should have this.” Katia said.
“Thank you…. I don’t want to stay here anymore Katia. It’s scary, and it’s just making me feel more horrible….” William said almost crying.
“I feel the same way. Come on, it’s dangerous to go without me.” Katia said.
William and Katia went to their new home and looked at the stuff they found. The people that took them to their house said if they found anymore belongings they would go to them.
“William…. Things are going to change a lot. I just want you to be prepared, okay?” Katia said.
“Alright Katia.” William replied.
After a few months they went back to school. They were both nervous, but that couldn’t stop them.  William’s friend greeted him as soon as they saw him.
“Hey Will! What’s up! I heard about everything that happened. I’m really sorry about your house, and your parents.” His friend said.
“Thanks…. You know what? I kind of want to be called William now. Um…. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” William said.
“Oh no! It’s fine William! I think that’s a cool name too!” His friend said trying to cheer him up. William just walked to class with his friend. Even though his friend tried to make conversation William wasn’t talking too much. His friend wasn’t offended at all. He knew William would be talking again someday. Until then he just had to be there for him.
William was wearing his father’s watch, and had his mother’s cloth wrapped around his arm. It was made out of silk, and it was damaged during the fire, but it got fixed and it was almost new. William held both of these things close, and never let them go.
After school was over William watched as the parents reunite with their children. After a little while it was too much for William to bear, and he went and he hid in a bush and cried. After a while his sister came and found him.
“Too much to bear, huh?” His sister came and hugged him.
“H-hi Katia….” William wiped his tears away, and got up. Katia brushed the dirt and twigs off his jeans.
Katia took William’s hand and walked him home.

Yeaaaaaaahhhh.... It has a happy ending. That's not all of his life. William's a lot older than 8. At one point in his life he loses Katia, and his grandparents. Originally Katia was also supposed to die in the fire, but I forgot I was going to do that.... So by the time I realized it I was quite a way into writing it and I didn't want to start over. I don't know if I'll write the next part because I don't know how Katia will pass away. I think after that he runs away. Then somehow he gets his fearful power. Then roams about. :I
I bet this story sucks.... Oh well, try to enjoy it please. I tried to write a good story.

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua