Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Can't Have Nice Things........

This is a freaking rant. I FREAKING NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST! (**WARNING** Some may be offended by this rant. You have been warned.)
Alright. I'm fed up with this. Any fandom I go to has all kinds of freaky stuff. Any. Freaking. Fandom. Luckily the bright spots are the people who poke fun at freaky stuff. Hehe, I just love it. *cough cough http://xxsayamaxx.deviantart.com/art/RUN-YOU-FOOL-327003032?offset=40#comments cough cough* Anyways there's more than well that. (Sorry if I offended anybody..... *Hugz*) It's freaky pairings. |:I FANZ WAT R U DOIN?!?!??!?!??!? FANZ!!!!!!!!!!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IGUYDFHLKSNRYISERJKNYHIDURYHI. (Yes I'm very disturbed by this and it's getting late at night so prepare for a few spazzes. lol) I dun leik freakeh pairinz. |:I Mostly Slender pairings are creepy. Because for some reason in that part of the Pasta fandom there's freaky pairings. Can't we get a freaking decent pairing please?! You know what? That's not possible. Why don't we just stop pairing Slender all together? Don't get me started on BEN. (Poor little guy.... In my interpretation he's only like.... Freaking 8 years old. But people make him out to be this immature adult. If you know what I mean by that. You probably don't so you'll have to ask somewhere else. This is a family friendly site.)
BEN: "People are so mean! D'X" Me: "I know bro.... I know. *Hugz*"
It's freaking ridiculous. If you're going to bring it here. I'm gonna be freaking ticked off. And if you're going to troll then.... *DeathStare* Just please.... This is freaking me out, and it really irritates me. "Well why don't you get off those sites, and leave us alone?" Because where you post all that stuff is supposed to be sites for everyone. You should be able to post your stuff yes, but sometimes you troll people. That's freaking immature. I know I can't stop it, but there must be some way for us freaky pairers, and people who freaking hate it to co-exist. Anyways if you took the time to read this thank you. If you read and were offended.... That's not my fault there's a warning right up there. People have opinions, and feelings for things they just can't hold in. So yeah. I'm sure there's something that irks you like this too. Maybe it's something I like. So yeah. This is going on for too long. Here's the drawing, might make more tonight. Thank you. Bye.

Yes William.... You're freaking next. *Hugz* I'm sorry bro!!!!!! D'X

Here's what us unfortunate souls are saying.

William: I'm next aren't I?!

Jeff: *Threw computer at the wall then threw a knife into it* (LOL)

The Doctor: I don't want to come to this planet anymore.

Me: Whyyyyyy~

BEN: Can I die again? Freaking kill me now!

If you guys do this stuff to my OC I will be freaking furious. He's not that kind of guy. Plus he's already paired up and it's cannon. So yeah. Pair him with your OC if you want, but if start making jokes about him cheating on Masked Artist, or stuff like that I'm going to freaking revoke that. Thank you. (Sorry guys I'm in a bad mood. I'm easily stressed so yeah.)

All copyrighted characters, logos, and songs belong to their rightful owners.

~ Aqua


  1. IKR? I completely agree with you!! I mean really people? there's a mature thing on deviantart that if u post something too gory or inappropriate PRESS THE BUTTON! SO IT WILL BLOCK KIDS UNDER 18 FROM SEEING IT! But Noooo artist dont use it! (Tho u can report it if it doesn't have one on it)

    1. Pffffft. People shouldn't have to freaking report. I don't know if they want people to see their art, or just being freaking lazy. Either way I'm irked. |:I
